A World of Colors and Fractals
Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.
But you are eternity and you are the mirror.
Kahlil Gilbran

When looking at mountains, trees, clouds in the sky or even the human nervous and circulatory system, we usually find it difficult to describe those using "standard" geometric shapes like circles, triangles, cones, etc. In order to describe and understand such patterns, we need to utilize a different, new kind of geommetry.
Fractal Geommetry is a geommetry of nature, one that describes segmented, irregular patterns reflecting the larger "whole" which they are a part of, and its basis is the Fractal. It was named by the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot from the latin word fractus, meaning broken, divided, irregular.
A Fractal is a shape with two unique properties - self-similarity and scaling. In simple terms, a fractal is a pattern that is similar to itself, a pattern where the larger whole is reflected like a mirror in the smaller pieces it is made from.
Fractals can be expressed in different ways; they can exist in nature, they can be man-made or they can be described in Mathematics using recursive formulae and iterations. (One famous Mathematical fractal is the "Mandelbrot set", created by the eponymous "inventor" of the fractal.)
Colors are an integral part of our lives - they awaken and increase our creativity, stirs the senses and enrich our lives in general. They can both stimulate and soothe, and are able to introduce balance and harmony to our environment.
Research has already proven the positive impact of color on a person's physical and mental well-being. Cultures across the world have historically been familiar with the healing effects of color, and today it is an integral part of many (both western and alternative) healing therapies.
We use color to express ourselves and communicate with the world, at at the same time it's how the world communicates back.

"Color and light are languages of the universe.
By speaking these languages, we bring our minds and bodies back into balance and harmony."
Jacob Liberman
Fractal Drawings

What is a Fractal Drawing?
The Fractal Drawing Method bring the worlds of fractals and color together, and its base is the fractal drawing. It was invented by author Tanzilija Polujahtova, for the purpose of developing human potential and creativity.
Fractal Drawings are created using a specific guided method - silhouettes are drawn with eyes closed, and the resulting shapes colored using coloring pencils, with eyes open and using a predefined set of instructions.
By closing our eyes we allow our hand to create, on paper and in one smooth motion, patterns and forms which we subsequently fill out using subconsciously picked-out colors.
The fractal principle of the drawing reflects the large in the small, and vice versa, of the overall shapes, fields and colors. By creating fractal drawings, by following instructions which themselves follow fractal principles, we create balance and hamony on the page, then gradually and inevitably translate that back into our own lives.
Why Create Fractal Drawings?
We can list multiple benefits that following the Fractal Method Drawing course will provide, but it can be summarized to one thing - increasing the quality of one's own life.
This gentle, but powerful, technique can be used to awaken and develop our creative potential and open our life to new possibilities. Just relax and have fun.
Guided Fractal Drawings are available to anyone interested - from children all the way to the elderly.